August Subscription Box

Crystal Subscription Boxes at Moon Pebbles

By now you should have received your August Subscription Box promoting Focus, Concentration and Clarity, I hope you are in love with it as much as I am!
As promised here is some more information on each crystal that was included in your box and how you can use them in your daily life.


Blue Chalcedony
Clear Quartz
Opalite (bonus crystal)


Did you find your Mandala Card in this month's box?
Mandalas for manifestation | monthly crystal subscription box australia
Here's how to use it:
  1. Write what you want to manifest on the lines under the mandala (set your intention)
  2. Read the invocation - “May I now be permitted to enter into this sacred space of creativity and artistic energy. May I use this mandala as a mode of manifestation, as a modality to channel through creative energy that will help to harness the pure vibration that I need to manifest all of my dreams, wishes, goals and desires, into my reality.”
  3. Turn of social media and begin to colour