Healing Properties of Pink Opal | Crystal Live Sales | Crystal Subscription Box Australia | Moon Pebbles

Healing Properties of Pink Opal

Pink Opal is good for:

Inner Peace
Heart Healing
Emotional Balance

Pink Opal activates the Heart Chakra and offers a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility to the heart center and emotional body.

Pink Opal softens the heart and allows us to relinquish subconsciously held pain. Just looking at its soft pink glow brings about a sense of serenity, as Pink Opal draws emotional balance into our lives. These gentle frequencies can heal our emotional woes, from trying sleepless nights to fresh heartbreaks. 

It is an ideal stone for those of us who have difficulty sleeping or suffer from nightmare disorders, particularly children.

Pink Opal is an excellent stone to help with confidence and anxiety, it helps overcome fears and shyness opening us up to a whole new world. 

Pink Opal is used to release trauma, stress, tension, worry, and anxiety. It can help steady irregular heartbeats. 

In the physical body:

Pink Opal is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson's disease, lungs, and spleen. It is also helpful for diabetes and hypoglycemia.


Healing Properties of Pink Opal | Crystal Live Sales | Crystal Subscription Box Australia | Moon Pebbles

Chakras - Heart Chakra

Zodiac - All

Element - Earth and Water


Ways to use Pink Opal:

  • Meditate with your stones. Relax your vibes and let it resonate with your energy
  • Carry it with you. Hold it or slip it into your pocket / purse
  • Wear it in jewellery
  • Display in your home 
  • Create a crystal grid

Healing Properties of Pink Opal | Crystal Live Sales | Crystal Subscription Box Australia | Moon Pebbles

Pink Opal Affirmations:

  • I am ready to begin healing my heart
  • I embrace love, peace and romance
  • My heart is open to accepting and giving love
  • I release feelings of anxiety and invite in peace and tranquility
  • All I need to succeed is within me